
Monday, August 23, 2010

Buying or Selling Your Piano On Craigslist?

What do you need to know when buying and selling your piano on Craigslist?

Craigslist is a great resource for all of us who are looking to buy or sell a whole range of products and services. But when it comes to buying or selling a piano, here are a few things to keep in mind.

  1. As many prospective piano buyers are looking to get the "best deal" possible, you may have a hard time getting a fair value for your piano (if selling.)
  2. If looking to buy a piano, do not be fooled by an amazing price and great brand name. Always get a professional to evaluate the condition of your prospective instrument. I can't tell you how many times I have been called in to work on a "free" piano that should be in the garbage heap.
  3. Take your time whether shopping on Craigslist or anywhere for that matter. Buying the right piano for you requires that you slow down and take time to make sure that you have covered the bases.
  4. If selling your piano, it may not hurt to engage an intermediary (qualified piano technician) who is willing to act as a buffer, to answer questions from prospective buyers. It can be worth a cut of the action (small percentage of sale) so that you do not waste time answering a million questions from laypeople who are fishing.
  5. If selling your piano, make sure it is up to snuff as much as possible - tuned, cleaned, all keys working; before you put up for sale. This will help you get the best price possible when asking your price.

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